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[PostgreSQL] timescaledb extension 설치

by 드바 2023. 11. 15.
OS: linux 7.5
DBMS: PostgreSQL 14.9



설치 전 확인

## timescaledb 라이브러리 설정 조회
SELECT name, setting
FROM pg_settings
WHERE name LIKE '%shared_preload_libraries%'
           name           |            setting             
 shared_preload_libraries | pg_stat_statements,timescaledb
(1 row)

## extension 설치 조회
SELECT name, default_version,installed_version
FROM pg_available_extensions 
WHERE name LIKE 'timescaledb'
    name     | default_version | installed_version 
 timescaledb | 2.12.2          | 
(1 row)


timescaledb extension install

## create extension
create extension timescaledb ;
 _____ _                               _     ____________  
|_   _(_)                             | |    |  _  \ ___ \ 
  | |  _ _ __ ___   ___  ___  ___ __ _| | ___| | | | |_/ / 
  | | | |  _ ` _ \ / _ \/ __|/ __/ _` | |/ _ \ | | | ___ \ 
  | | | | | | | | |  __/\__ \ (_| (_| | |  __/ |/ /| |_/ /
  |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\___||___/\___\__,_|_|\___|___/ \____/
               Running version 2.12.2
For more information on TimescaleDB, please visit the following links:

 1. Getting started: https://docs.timescale.com/timescaledb/latest/getting-started
 2. API reference documentation: https://docs.timescale.com/api/latest

Note: TimescaleDB collects anonymous reports to better understand and assist our users.
For more information and how to disable, please see our docs https://docs.timescale.com/timescaledb/latest/how-to-guides/configuration/telemetry.


## extension install 조회
SELECT name, default_version,installed_version
FROM pg_available_extensions 
WHERE name LIKE 'timescaledb'
    name     | default_version | installed_version 
 timescaledb | 2.12.2          | 2.12.2
(1 row)


extension install 후 오브젝트

## timescaledb 관련 스키마 생성됨
  oid  |         nspname          | nspowner |               nspacl                
    99 | pg_toast                 |       10 | 
    11 | pg_catalog               |       10 | {postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres}
  2200 | public                   |       10 | {postgres=UC/postgres,=UC/postgres}
 14118 | information_schema       |       10 | {postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres}
 17286 | _timescaledb_cache       |       10 | {postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres}
 17283 | _timescaledb_catalog     |       10 | {postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres}
 17284 | _timescaledb_functions   |       10 | {postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres}
 17285 | _timescaledb_internal    |       10 | {postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres}
 17287 | _timescaledb_config      |       10 | {postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres}
 17289 | timescaledb_information  |       10 | {postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres}
 17288 | timescaledb_experimental |       10 | {postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres}
## timescaledb 관련 오브젝트 생성됨
SELECT n.nspname as schema,
  c.relname as name,
  CASE c.relkind WHEN 'r' THEN 'table' WHEN 'v' THEN 'view' WHEN 'm' THEN 'materialized view' WHEN 'i' THEN 'index' WHEN 'S' THEN 'sequence' WHEN 's' THEN 'special' WHEN 'f' THEN 'foreign table' WHEN 'p' THEN 'table' WHEN 'I' THEN 'index' END as type,
  pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) as owner,
 c2.relname as table
 , c.reloptions as options
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
     LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
     LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index i ON i.indexrelid = c.oid
     LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c2 ON i.indrelid = c2.oid
AND n.nspname not in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
AND n.nspname !~ '^pg_toast'

          schema          |                              name                               |   type   |  owner   |                      table                       |         options         
 _timescaledb_cache       | cache_inval_bgw_job                                             | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_cache       | cache_inval_extension                                           | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_cache       | cache_inval_hypertable                                          | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk                                                           | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_compressed_chunk_id_idx                                   | index    | postgres | chunk                                            | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_constraint                                                | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_constraint_chunk_id_constraint_name_key                   | index    | postgres | chunk_constraint                                 | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_constraint_dimension_slice_id_idx                         | index    | postgres | chunk_constraint                                 | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_constraint_name                                           | sequence | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_copy_operation                                            | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_copy_operation_id_seq                                     | sequence | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_copy_operation_pkey                                       | index    | postgres | chunk_copy_operation                             | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_data_node                                                 | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_data_node_chunk_id_node_name_key                          | index    | postgres | chunk_data_node                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_data_node_node_chunk_id_node_name_key                     | index    | postgres | chunk_data_node                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_data_node_node_name_idx                                   | index    | postgres | chunk_data_node                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_hypertable_id_idx                                         | index    | postgres | chunk                                            | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_id_seq                                                    | sequence | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_index                                                     | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_index_chunk_id_index_name_key                             | index    | postgres | chunk_index                                      | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_index_hypertable_id_hypertable_index_name_idx             | index    | postgres | chunk_index                                      | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_osm_chunk_idx                                             | index    | postgres | chunk                                            | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_pkey                                                      | index    | postgres | chunk                                            | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | chunk_schema_name_table_name_key                                | index    | postgres | chunk                                            | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | compression_algorithm                                           | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | compression_algorithm_pkey                                      | index    | postgres | compression_algorithm                            | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | compression_chunk_size                                          | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | compression_chunk_size_pkey                                     | index    | postgres | compression_chunk_size                           | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_agg                                                  | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_agg_migrate_plan                                     | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_agg_migrate_plan_pkey                                | index    | postgres | continuous_agg_migrate_plan                      | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_agg_migrate_plan_step                                | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_agg_migrate_plan_step_pkey                           | index    | postgres | continuous_agg_migrate_plan_step                 | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_agg_migrate_plan_step_step_id_seq                    | sequence | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_agg_partial_view_schema_partial_view_name_key        | index    | postgres | continuous_agg                                   | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_agg_pkey                                             | index    | postgres | continuous_agg                                   | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_agg_raw_hypertable_id_idx                            | index    | postgres | continuous_agg                                   | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_agg_user_view_schema_user_view_name_key              | index    | postgres | continuous_agg                                   | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_aggs_bucket_function                                 | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_aggs_bucket_function_pkey                            | index    | postgres | continuous_aggs_bucket_function                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_aggs_hypertable_invalidation_log                     | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_aggs_hypertable_invalidation_log_idx                 | index    | postgres | continuous_aggs_hypertable_invalidation_log      | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_aggs_invalidation_threshold                          | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_aggs_invalidation_threshold_pkey                     | index    | postgres | continuous_aggs_invalidation_threshold           | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_aggs_materialization_invalidation_log                | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_aggs_materialization_invalidation_log_idx            | index    | postgres | continuous_aggs_materialization_invalidation_log | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_aggs_watermark                                       | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | continuous_aggs_watermark_pkey                                  | index    | postgres | continuous_aggs_watermark                        | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | dimension                                                       | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | dimension_hypertable_id_column_name_key                         | index    | postgres | dimension                                        | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | dimension_id_seq                                                | sequence | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | dimension_partition                                             | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | dimension_partition_dimension_id_range_start_key                | index    | postgres | dimension_partition                              | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | dimension_pkey                                                  | index    | postgres | dimension                                        | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | dimension_slice                                                 | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | dimension_slice_dimension_id_range_start_range_end_key          | index    | postgres | dimension_slice                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | dimension_slice_id_seq                                          | sequence | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | dimension_slice_pkey                                            | index    | postgres | dimension_slice                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | hypertable                                                      | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | hypertable_associated_schema_name_associated_table_prefix_key   | index    | postgres | hypertable                                       | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | hypertable_compression                                          | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | hypertable_compression_hypertable_id_orderby_column_index_key   | index    | postgres | hypertable_compression                           | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | hypertable_compression_hypertable_id_segmentby_column_index_key | index    | postgres | hypertable_compression                           | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | hypertable_compression_pkey                                     | index    | postgres | hypertable_compression                           | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | hypertable_data_node                                            | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | hypertable_data_node_hypertable_id_node_name_key                | index    | postgres | hypertable_data_node                             | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | hypertable_data_node_node_hypertable_id_node_name_key           | index    | postgres | hypertable_data_node                             | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | hypertable_id_seq                                               | sequence | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | hypertable_pkey                                                 | index    | postgres | hypertable                                       | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | hypertable_table_name_schema_name_key                           | index    | postgres | hypertable                                       | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | metadata                                                        | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | metadata_pkey                                                   | index    | postgres | metadata                                         | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | remote_txn                                                      | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | remote_txn_data_node_name_idx                                   | index    | postgres | remote_txn                                       | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | remote_txn_pkey                                                 | index    | postgres | remote_txn                                       | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | tablespace                                                      | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | tablespace_hypertable_id_tablespace_name_key                    | index    | postgres | tablespace                                       | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | tablespace_id_seq                                               | sequence | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | tablespace_pkey                                                 | index    | postgres | tablespace                                       | 
 _timescaledb_catalog     | telemetry_event                                                 | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_config      | bgw_job                                                         | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_config      | bgw_job_id_seq                                                  | sequence | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_config      | bgw_job_pkey                                                    | index    | postgres | bgw_job                                          | 
 _timescaledb_config      | bgw_job_proc_hypertable_id_idx                                  | index    | postgres | bgw_job                                          | 
 _timescaledb_internal    | bgw_job_stat                                                    | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_internal    | bgw_job_stat_pkey                                               | index    | postgres | bgw_job_stat                                     | 
 _timescaledb_internal    | bgw_policy_chunk_stats                                          | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_internal    | bgw_policy_chunk_stats_job_id_chunk_id_key                      | index    | postgres | bgw_policy_chunk_stats                           | 
 _timescaledb_internal    | compressed_chunk_stats                                          | view     | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_internal    | hypertable_chunk_local_size                                     | view     | postgres |                                                  | 
 _timescaledb_internal    | job_errors                                                      | table    | postgres |                                                  | 
 public                   | pg_stat_statements                                              | view     | postgres |                                                  | 
 public                   | pg_stat_statements_info                                         | view     | postgres |                                                  | 
 timescaledb_experimental | chunk_replication_status                                        | view     | postgres |                                                  | 
 timescaledb_experimental | policies                                                        | view     | postgres |                                                  | 
 timescaledb_information  | chunks                                                          | view     | postgres |                                                  | 
 timescaledb_information  | compression_settings                                            | view     | postgres |                                                  | 
 timescaledb_information  | continuous_aggregates                                           | view     | postgres |                                                  | 
 timescaledb_information  | data_nodes                                                      | view     | postgres |                                                  | 
 timescaledb_information  | dimensions                                                      | view     | postgres |                                                  | 
 timescaledb_information  | hypertables                                                     | view     | postgres |                                                  | 
 timescaledb_information  | job_errors                                                      | view     | postgres |                                                  | {security_barrier=true}
 timescaledb_information  | job_stats                                                       | view     | postgres |                                                  | 
 timescaledb_information  | jobs                                                            | view     | postgres |                                                  | 
(104 rows)
